Discover the life history of trees
TSAP-Win™ offers a powerful software platform for tree ring analyses. All steps, from measurement up to the evaluation of tree ring sequences, are covered by TSAP-Win™. A large number of graphic and statistical functions up to database links are available in TSAP-Win™ and help you manage your data.
- Historical dendrochronology
- Dendro-ecology
- Dendro-climatology
- Increment and stem analyses
- Geomorphology etc.
- Different data formats are supported
- Graphic and statistical synchronization right on the screen
- Stores marks and comments together with the measured values
- Detailed data header
- Modular design: Comprehensive graphics and mathematical library, support of third-party formats, link to SQL databases
Measuring and processing (TSAP-Win™ Basic)
- Direct control of measurement on the screen
- Graphic post-processing of data
- Internal notebook that stores marks and notes
- Supported software includes LINTAB™
Data analysis (TSAP-Win™ Professional)
- Additional functions to TSAP-Win™ Basic
- Synchronization with various mathematical routines
- Selection of linear or logarithmic Y axis possible
- Graphic control of synchronization on the screen
- Easy preparation of a chronology
- Supported software includes LINTAB™ and VELMEX, and the TUCSON-format
Additional modules
Graphics library
- Depiction of single and multiple series
- Line and bar charts
- Core diagrams
- Optionally: Header information is represented together with the series/sequences
Mathematical library
- Segment-oriented cross-date check (similar to COFECHA)
- Various standardization and indexing routines
- Mathematical routines such as simple operations, arithmetics, transformation, correlation, regression etc. can be implemented
Format library
- Easy data exchange between various formats, such as CATRAS, Hemmenhofen, etc. is supported
Table module
- Device drivers for Aniol, Kutschenreuther, NE 202 etc.
Database (in preparation)
- Various entries can be selected for the data header to be stored together with your series/sequences
- TSAP-Win™ selects and sorts your data the way you need them.
- Possibility of manual and automatic data processing
- SQL integration for local networks
TSAP-Win™ Scientific
Contains all of the modules and supports scientists/researchers with most tasks of tree ring analysis.